Blogging for one

Abandoning Facebook is a regular conversation at my house. Alisa and I have given up social media for Lent the last couple of years, and with that season approaching maybe it's become a seasonal rhythm for us. After Lent I usually find myself less interested in Facebook, but as the year goes on it creeps back in. There are back to school pictures and Halloween costumes to share. But there's also always something to "angry up the blood."

When I set up this blog I imagined posting about projects we do around the house, crafts, baking, and whatever crazy thing Eleanor is saying now. But when I did bake something, or finish a painting, or read a book, all I ended up doing was posting a quick picture of it to Instagram. I'm going to try to change that.

A personal blog used to be a thing. Now it seems like anything personal has moved exclusively onto social media, where anything more than a paragraph seems like a really long post. Even this limited space seems to have been taken over by advertising, branding, and politics.

These days, a blog has to have an audience. It's a "side hustle." (Although really, no one would start a blog these days. Maybe a podcast, or an Instagram account.) Fair warning, if this blog has an audience, it's me. You may find some of it dull. That's fine. You're not my target demographic.

Also, I'm pretty sure there are no comments on here, and I'm cool with that. If you want to talk about something, you probably already know how to reach me. If not, you can always follow me on Instagram, because try as I might I still haven't quit yet.