Valentine's day was not a big deal for me growing up, and not just because I was a huge nerd. You pick up some cards at the store, maybe decorate a bag, try to remember everyone in your class, big deal. There's some candy involved, but aside from chocolate roulette it's a bunch of those chalky hearts, which I think are better classified as "edible" than "candy." They can be digested. That's the best I can do.

Actual footage of me in the 80s

Olive and her Llama Valentine box
I don't remember exactly how our traditions started. Probably with Alisa making a special breakfast, and putting together a whole collection of toys and treats that I never would have thought of. My initial contribution was balloons. The girls were both crazy about them, and for weeks before Valentine's they'd talk excitedly about the balloons to come.

Special breakfasts!

When balloons were big
Long before we had kids, Alisa and I gave up on eating out on Valentine's day. It's like going out on Mother's day - way too busy. Instead I usually made a nice dinner at home. Last year I made red and white striped heart shaped pasta (that neither of the girls liked!) - this year, I don't know, I never came up with a good idea, and I had a rough week. We ended up eating quesadillas and watching LEGO Masters. It was a good night anyway.
It seems like balloons are out now - at least, no one seemed to care about them this year, other than June. Eleanor still has high expectations in other areas though. Last night as they were going to bed, Olive snuggled with a stuffed cat she got last year, and Eleanor said "Tomorrow you'll meet her sister!" Uh, guess I should find a stuffed guy 😂 And tonight as we sent them off to get into jammies, Eleanor cautiously asked "Did anyone get any Valentine's pajamas?"
This year's festivities included strawberry silver dollar pancakes, skewered with strawberries, served with heart shaped bacon and some icing for dipping. They each got some chocolates, a little craft, something to wear, and a stuffed guy - Olive got a peacock and Eleanor a unicorn. Predictably, Olive loved hers and carried it around all day, and Eleanor's is laying in the front room.
Alisa and I got each other some sentimental gifts (surprise with the Enneagram 4s) - she got me some chocolates she loved from when she went to Holland and I got her a box of goodies from a favorite bakery in California.
The Cards
After Alisa made me a great homemade card last year (she also made great homemade cards for everyone this year) I have fully committed to homemade cards. I painted cards for Alisa, Olive, and Eleanor, and did a little drawing for June.

Cards for Alisa, Olive, and Eleanor

June's Valentine
I also got some sweet cards from my girls

I realize that we are creating these escalating expectations, but there's a limited window where they will care this much and be this excited, and I'm happy to go overboard for a bit. This holiday means much more to them than it ever did to me, and getting to be a kid again with them and decorate cards and drive home with a car full of balloons on the night of the 13th is pretty great.